If you experience swelling, pain, itching, or redness in the eye, you may be suffering from an eye infection. Eye infections are categorized according to the agents that cause them: bacterial, viral, or fungal. Infections arise when part of the eye, or the area around the eye, is affected.
A foreign object in the eye is any debris that has entered the eye from outside the body. It can be a speck of dust, your eyelash, a piece of fabric, or even a shard of metal. The source of the debris can be a variety of things that you might be using or near.
In most cases, cataracts require a surgical procedure to remove them, but some patients do not require it. Untreated cataracts need constant monitoring by an eye doctor to observe their rate of progression. If the progression reaches a certain point, an ophthalmologist will recommend surgery.
Some people prefer wearing contacts for convenience. Technology has made it easy to get contact lenses shipped quickly to your door. But the eyes are a sensitive part of the human body and need professional care whenever there is a need for any change.
When you poke your eye or debris gets under your eyelid, you could end up with a scratch on your cornea. The scratch on your cornea is a corneal abrasion. It is one of the most common injuries. However, few people know how to deal with it.
There are times when you need to seek treatment for pink eye. But sometimes, this is not necessary. Though this condition can be quite irritating, it rarely affects people’s vision. Pink eye can be contagious, but early diagnosis and treatment can limit its spread.
Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that arises from diabetic complications. Consistently high blood sugar damages vessels in the body. This damage extends to the vessels in the retina.
You only have one chance to make a first impression. So if you wear eyeglasses, it is crucial to choose the perfect frames for your needs. They should feel and look good, in addition to being sturdy. We've put together a guide to help you get started.
Taking care of your eye health will ensure that you can enjoy great vision for a long time. The best way to maintain eye health is through a comprehensive eye examination. With it, you have eye doctors taking several procedures and tests to examine your eyes.
The brain is a wonderful adaptor. When you start to experience vision problems, your brain will quickly adapt to accommodate your fading vision. Unless you experience a dramatic or sudden loss of vision, it may trick you into thinking that everything is fine. In reality, however, it might be time for a new eyeglass or contact lens prescription.