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The brain is a wonderful adaptor. When you start to experience vision problems, your brain will quickly adapt to accommodate your fading vision. Unless you experience a dramatic or sudden loss of vision, it may trick you into thinking that everything is fine. In reality, however, it might be time for a new eyeglass or contact lens prescription.

Contact Lens Exam vs. Regular Eye Exam

Are you interested in switching to contact lenses? If so, you will need to undergo a contact lens exam along with a regular eye exam. The first thing you need to understand is that contact lens exams are not the same as a typical eye exam. Most ophthalmologists and optometrists recommend regular comprehensive eye exams.

Contact lens exams involve additional tests and procedures. Their purpose is to determine whether your contact lenses are providing you with optimum vision, comfort, and eye health. Even if you already wear contact lenses and you are not experiencing any vision or eye problems, you still need to undergo contact lens exams.

What Is a Contact Lens Exam?

A contact lens exam involves specific tests meant to evaluate a patient’s vision and eyes with contact lenses. Each eye has a unique shape. Thus, there is nothing like one-size-fits-all when it comes to contact lenses.  

Why Contact Lens Exams Are Important 

If you get contacts that are too steep or too flat for your corneal shape, you may experience extreme discomfort. It can even lead to eye damage. This is why eye doctors take precise measurements of their patient's eyes to determine the best fit and design. Some of the factors they consider include corneal curvature, quality of tears, and iris and pupil size.

Frequency of Contact Lens Exams

If you are planning to switch to contact lenses or already use contacts, you will need to undergo annual contact lens exams. As stated earlier, these examinations go beyond the regular eye exam. That being said, it is important to understand one important thing. 

If you use all-day and night contact lenses, you will need to wear them for longer. Thus, you need to schedule more frequent appointments with your optician than if you wear soft lenses. After your optician fits your lenses, you may need to return after one or two weeks, three months, and six months. 

After that, you may need to undergo contact lens exams every six months, depending on the type of contact lenses you use. Sometimes, your optician might want to examine your eyes and lenses after the first week and month of wear. Whatever the case, it is important to keep your appointments.

How Long Does a Contact Lens Prescription Last?

Most prescriptions for contact lenses expire after one year; however, this is not always the case. Every prescription has a specific date of expiry. Depending on several factors, your prescription could last less than a year or more than a year. 

However, most optometrists do not recommend using your contact lens prescription for more than two years. If you suffer from certain health conditions, your optometrist will probably set your prescription to expire in a few months. When your prescription expires, it is important to get a contact lens exam and a new prescription from your optometrist. 

To know more about contact lens exams, visit Berris Optical at our offices in Rocky River, Ohio. You can call 440-571-7100 today to schedule an appointment.

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